quarta-feira, maio 02, 2007

The Young Knives - Voices Of Animals And Men

Primeiro e único cd do Young Knives, eles fazem um som indie rock bem feliz, quanto mais vai ouvindo mais legal vai ficando. Dependendo da música é interessante prestar atenção na letra que é bem sem noção. Apesar do guitarrista e baterista mais ou menos o baixista abusa de várias viradinhas e pequenos detalhes que deixam o grave bem influente.

Voices Of Animals And Men (2006)

1. Part Timer
2. The Decision
3. Weekends And Bleak Days (Hot Summer)
4. In The Pink
5. Mystic Energy
6. Here Comes The Rumour Mill
7. Tailors
8. Half Timer
9. She's Attracted To
10. Dialing Darling
11. Another Hollow Line
12. Coastguard
13. Loughborough Suicide
14. Tremblings Of Tales


5 comentários:

Incrível disse...

Muito boa essa banda! Em pouco tempo já estava cantarolando "Another Hollow line" e outras pérolas dessa bolacha.

Diego disse...

muito bom, a primeira é muito fera, puro rockn'roll!!! só o clip que deixa um pouco a desejar pois demorar muito pra começar!

vlw a vc :)

Diego disse...
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gizma disse...


Anônimo disse...

For some reason while I had windows vista, I started to get blue screens constantly. I than installed windows xp and the computer was a'lot faster but still, I got the blue screens. There are no viruses on my computer. I don't know much about fixing computers, so hopefully I won't have to take something out or whatever inside my computer, im hoping I can just fix this problem by doing something ON the computer. ***The blue screens will only appear if I basically have alot of graphic material running on the computer, such as if I start a game, play a move, or video on youtube. I think I remember my brother telling me that the problem could be some driver he put in, but he didn't know for sure. Hes the computer genious and the mr. fix it in the house. But he's never home and won't ever look at the problem and fix it. (Please someone help me, I have searched all over google with no solutions.) The most common errors I get on the blue screen are: irql_not_less_or_equal driver_irql_not_less_or_equal Here is my recent error logs starting from today :(Some may be the same as other error logs, but youll be able to see which problem occurs the msot) The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The wscsvc service failed to start due to the following error: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The wscsvc service failed to start due to the following error: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. The device, \Device\Scsi\nvidesm1, did not respond within the timeout period. ***So I guess something is reall messed up with that error above, since I have had how many error logs with that message. Please, someone tell me how to fix this, it is so annoying having to restart my computer constantly and losing stuff. I can't play my favorite games anymore because of this. [url=http://gordoarsnaui.com]santoramaa[/url]